Mayors and other local government chief executives are taking action to help save the monarch butterfly, an iconic species whose populations have declined by 90% in the last 20 years. Through the National Wildlife Federation’s Mayors' Monarch Pledge, cities and municipalities are committing to create habitat and educate citizens about how they can make a difference at home. 

The City of Joplin, in collaboration with cities and towns across the nation, is taking action to create healthy monarch habitat in public spaces and encouraging residents to partner in an effort to sustain and strengthen this migration. Joplin has joined the MAYORS’ MONARCH PLEDGE, and is taking the initiative to keep monarchs a part of the community.

In partnership with Missouri Master Naturalist, Joplin has already taken steps to create healthy monarch habitat in several parks, and will expand this effort by transforming park entrances at three (or more) additional parks. Missouri Grow Native! has contributed milkweed plants for the project, and private citizens and the City will purchase and install additional nectar plants. Residents will be encouraged to participate by making their own pledge to create monarch habitat in their own yards.

Other cities in Missouri that have taken the Mayor's Monarch Pledge:

Branson       Chesterfield       Creve Couer       Hannibal

Herculaneum       Kansas City       St. Louis      
