Hooray for the Raptor Megastars! By Jeff Cantrell

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The Festival of Eagles is scheduled for

Saturday, 27 January, 2018.

Stella, Missouri

Drop by any time between 10am-3pm

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They are like the home team where everyone is a fan.  The bald eagle represents freedom, power and courage to many of us. Eagle viewing is always a draw and once again we will be highlighting our national symbol at a special event for all ages. 

The Festival of Eagles is sponsored by the Chert Glades Missouri Master Naturalists, the community of Stella, MO and the Missouri Department of Conservation.

There will be a “meet and greet” at the Methodist Church, come by and learn the layout of the event. Enjoy a short eagle video and refreshments (small donations appreciated). From Stella patrons you will find vendors and student art and a community quilt exhibit. 

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The Missouri Master Naturalists will be staffing information and educational tables, and fun games for the kids.  We are a volunteer group devoted to our causes such as water quality, reduced plastics & lead in the environment and sharing nature with others. 

The eagle day is our signature event. We will be staffing spotting scopes for eagle viewing and be on-hand to answer raptor and habitat questions.

There are already several hundred bald eagles in the area.  Our day is planned in the middle of their “winter stay”, so families, photographers and naturalists may continue to view eagles for weeks to come.  Please join us at the Festival of Eagles.


Photos by Ann Butts

Posted on January 17, 2018 .